Tuesday 7 March 2017


The African continent from its time of existence is on records and evidently an amazing one. Dating back to the time when socialization was as smooth as it was and constituted uniformly accepted norms, values and way of life. People behaved ordinarily, eat healthy food wore decent cloths and lived simple lives. The good old days as some may call it was a time when parents and the elderly were the same time iconic role models and so mentoring was direct, easy and efficient. The Africa of Yesterday as I call it was a time where you wake up to the early morning sunrise to see every single person you were dreaming about around. The day begins with smiles and a rejuvenated souls that went to sleep in the cold but yet had pleasant dreams. People wake up to duties and responsibilities passed on to them for centuries; farming and hunting. They come back from daily work to eat the same food, wear the same cloths and talk to the same old people. Nothing seem to change, but no day has ever been the same. It looks boring compared to activities of today. Can you imagine a world without internet, cell phones, computer games, clubs and dancehall? It is however fascinating to realize that the Africa of Yesterday had a better alternatives to making better lives for people. They had no television but they see the beauty of nature, they had no luxury houses but they had beautiful homes, they did not need internet to reach elsewhere because they already had each other, they had no swimming pools but they had all rivers and oceans to themselves.
To help understand this better, a motivational philosopher once said that; the paradox of our time is that we aim for higher income but we have lower morals. Unlike the Africa of yesterday, where strength, wealth and power was of less influence as against morals, wisdom and purpose. These are the amazing stories that descried the formidable future and harmonious atmosphere that was projected. However, something happened. The milestones, success stories, achievements and source of dignity and purpose forever remains in the old books and on rotten shelves of closed libraries and places of monumental history with no purpose at all. Time became the greatest enemy to the African people. As the day goes by, the continent finally woke up to see new faces, curly hair and lighter skin. As if that was all there is, we saw a stranger like never before; one with armor and an army that struck our beaches and took away all that was of importance to us.
And from that time on, the ticking of the clock meant the deeming of the African spirit like a lamp that is losing its brightness and darkness taking over. Until today, all efforts to bring back the light of our souls by great men is what has led us to the Africa of Today.
Today has seen constantly one of the moment in the African space where everything that the continent stands for make no sense anymore. Boundaries have been created, families have become smaller, solidarity is now concentrated on a select group, nuclear families are the only blood relation that matters and as a result, anyone outside it relates to us on friendship, business or corporate terms. People only care about themselves and nobody else. Today, people build self-contained houses with high walls around them, outskirt of town and guarded by a pit-bull or any guard dog. The Africa of today means that a mother has to book an official appointment before seeing that very toothless and vulnerable little soul she carried under her mercy for years all because he or she is now a boss. The people of the African continent today crave for what is western. With regards to entertainment, sport, value systems, beliefs and practices have now all been adopted from the white man’s land. And so I see a fellow Sissala man like myself and I speak in a native language and he thinks am still under the clouds. Food and Fashion has become more unhealthy and complex to understand. Primitive are those who decide to eat and dress simple and descent. Even our literary education that we thrive of has nothing to do with wisdom anymore; and as Jay Shetty- A motivational Philosopher said that; the paradox of our time is that we have more degrees but less sense, more experts but less solutions.  Without formal education, you are now called illiterate. And for that matter, countries attribute their slow development pace to high illiteracy level.
The Africa of today has seen a youth that is a total waste of time to socialize. What matters to society does not matter to them anymore. No respect for self-dignity, no respect for authority and there is only a negligible amount of patriotism expressed only in soccer . In today’s Africa, personal interest has over taken objectivity to the extent that the ignorant elects the corrupt to empower the unjust to prosecute the innocent, poor and vulnerable so as to satisfy the greed. To be accountable to the people now means to satisfy one’s self. Poor people are shown no mercy in today’s Africa, so they beg, steal and are beaten to death by blinded citizens.
A famous racist once said that the fact that black people look like human beings does not necessarily mean that they are. This statement never made sense to me until I saw today’s Africa. Brothers against sisters, friends against families, people are ready to risk the lives of innocent women and children by fighting over a throne that is worth almost nothing. Black people today see no threat to their lives than their fellow black men and women. I grieve over South Africa where two black people can ignore the value of a harmonious living for decades and kill each other all in the name of a xenophobia. If only Nelson Mandela was alive, he would have died of grief and disappointment for the level of inhuman behavior being exhibited by his people. The Africa of today has seen black people who have discovered the enemy within now taking shelter on the white man’s land. They stay there all their live as nomadic people moving from one country to the other. The very few who after going through the hell of hustling on the streets come back to their indigenous homes as different creatures. They now have lots of hair with pony tails, they wear ear rings and lots of chains. They put no belts, smoke cigar and can’t speak their native languages. The few who can, develop an ascent with the English language. Its however funny and quite sad to know that some people have lived on the continent all their lives but have lost their indigenous culture more than these Afro-Europeans. As a matter of fact, it is very normal to find people prefer American and Chinese movies to those of local characters and content. The love that African women have developed for Mexican soaps and telenovela’s baffles me.
It’s a total visionless and senseless way of life exhibited by the Africa of Today. A wise man once said, that the past is history, today is past and the future is now. So the question now is, if the Africa of today is like this, what happens to the Africa of tomorrow?

Mohammed Abdul Hamid Babangida
Deputy Director - PPF Research and Peace Institute.
+233 (0)268253275

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