Monday, 25 September 2017

THE CONCEPT OF SUCCESS - Quotes by the Author

“Signs without belief is blindness but science without religion is total madness”

“Until we learn to accept people the way they are, we cannot live with them”

“Success might seem only a word but takes time to spell”

“The best way to attain internal and eternal peace is to allow the whole world do what they want whiles you do what is right”

“Until you identify the motivation in your situation, you will never find a solution”

Life is like a coin, the two faces of happiness and grief keeps changing as you toss it in the air”

“Your enemies are in their best moments when they see you retaliate their actions”

“Be the record maker, not its breaker”

“The more you advance in knowledge, the more you realize you know nothing”

“Be patient with people now, so as not to be their patient in future”

“An engine will continue to run as long as there is something to power”

“The beginning of knowledge is the realization and the acceptance of one’s ignorance”

“If success were paintings, the brain would have been a brush”

”Do not be like the mirror which does not appreciate its beauty but that of others”

“It’s much more dangerous to decide to do the wrong thing than not to do anything at all”

“The best form of advice is not by words but by participant demonstration of character”

“It’s only a matter of time, the world will hear your cry, falsehood will come and die and

When all hopes have gone by, the truth will come alive”

“The eyes can see, so the mind can judge. But the ear is blind so the heart is

Always a victim of injustice”

“Seeking success without its knowledge is like a blind man in search of his sight on the desert.”

“Possibility is an accomplist of procrastination and just as procrastination is the thief of time, possibility is a thief of success”

“Indeed, people have their own way to the station, but there is always the safest.”

The cycle of success is never complete until its result is positively felt by the society”.

THE CONCEPT OF SUCCESS - How to use effective argument and fair judgement to chose your vision

I. One should first know what he or she wants and should be quite impressive in all of them. A person who is a captain of a football team and also the group leader of a debate club is a classic example. The things that you want to argue upon in order to obtain the best are things that you should be good at.

2. Seek views from people who have witnessed at least more than one of your so called ‘talents’ so that you will know what the people around you wants you to be in future. This is very important even to someone who already knows his or her talent. The people are those who see your actions and they are the sure people to tend to when you want to know how well you are doing. Indeed it is said that;

“One who creates a path needs someone behind him to get it straight” African Proverb.

Whatever the people say about you is your other self and that is what they need you for. The people represent the world, they are those who are going to get direct influence from whatever that you want to do. Remember that your happiness must include the happiness of others. So therefore, if you know that the world needs you for what you are and not for whom you are or where you come from, then it is very important to know what they expect from you in life.

3. The next thing to do is when you also include your own assessment of the issue to be argued upon. You know where your passion lies and you know what you are doing and therefore, you can tell which of them you are likely to succeed with. Remember that nobody apart from your creator knows yourself more than you do. It is amusing to find people saying they don’t know themselves. As a matter of fact, you knowing that you don’t know yourself is something that you know about yourself. It should be noted that this is the most important part of the procedure, when one assembles all his data so as to be able to balance them and see which of them your best way to succeed in life.

4. Lastly, always bear in mind that God wants the best for you and whatever that comes your way is for the better. It is the will and presumptions of God that always occur in your life. Pray to God for direction to success and not for success itself because the reverse is the prayer for the ungrateful man of which I know you are not. Remember that God Has already blessed you with all that you need to be who you want to be, it is up to you to just make it happen. Indeed, heaven helps those who help themselves.

Note: people say that success has no formula. There is some sort of truth in that but actually, the people who say this have the wrong definition of success to be all about the fame, wealth and all other earthly things. Yes, people have various ways of getting what they want in life; some use education, for some its inheritance and others, mostly talent and passion. But ask yourself this question, what is the positive impact of what they have acquired on the society? Is it not shocking to realize that the top three richest people in the world today are richer than the top forty-eight poorest countries in the world? What is the use of acquiring all the money and fame if society does not benefit. If you help society, one way or the other you protect your wealth from people who would have probably ended up on the streets, from burgling you. Actually, success is all about fulfilling your purpose of creation. Let’s take the very people we always refer to as heroes, those whose names are on the lips of religious leader and have lived a life worth emulating. In Christianity and Islam; Moses, Noah, David, Jesus, Mohammed etc., peace be upon them all are the heroes of the day not for their wealth, power, personality etc. of which they never had before but because they were able to do what God created them for and all the other things that we tend to go after came on their own.

As far as Islam is concerned, Mohammed Peace be upon him, was able to fulfill his mission on earth and as a result of that, he is now rated as the best man who has ever lived on earth. Michael Jackson is remembered for his music, Mohammed Ali is remembered for his Boxing career, Martin Luther Kings Jnr. is remembered for his philosophy, Mohammed peace be upon him is remembered as the best man who ever lived and earth and the sweeper behind your house is remembered for his sweeping. But at the end of the day they are all successful men because they did what they had to do and they did it so well.

Saturday, 23 September 2017


Vision is something that you anticipate or decide to do .In real life sense or practically, it is the outcome of effective argument and fair judgment. In much more simple terms, the end result of one's decision in life is his vision. Mission also on the other hand is the immediate action or steps taken to achieve a vision. The two words always go together as it said that

“Vision without a mission is meaningless and mission without a vision is also meaningless”

Abrouf M. Kishki (Public Lecture- 2008).

The Wright brothers devised a means to fly, which was their vision. Their mission however was to sit down and make the necessary calculations and procedures to make that happen. Therefore, for someone to achieve success in life the most important part which is also the practical aspect is the mission. Vision however is easy to get, thus to a lay man but actually, the setting of the vision is very important. If a vision is obtained after effective argument and fair judgment, then the mission is bound to be very easy. The question that one should ask him or herself is; what are the things to consider when choosing my vision? Indeed, to most philosophers, the best way for one to become successful is to identify his or her talent and develop it. Without under estimating the above statement, it is also true that man is the best of himself and that everyone is the true reflection of him or herself.  Some people know what they are very good at and to them this procedure of choosing a vision is not a problem at all because they already know what their vision already is. Indeed, the world needs you for what you are and not for whom you are. If Mohammed Ali wanted to be a philosopher and Martin Luther Kings Jnr. wanted to be a boxer, then their names would not have been heard at all. They did what they could do best and that is what the world needed them for. This is how success becomes easy for someone who already knows his talent. If so, then does it mean that one cannot become successful if one does not know his or her talent? Does it also mean the fact that I have desire for something since childhood then that is what I must become? Does it mean that if I start with something there should not be a change? The answers to these questions are No!!There are numerous heroes who started with one thing and ended with another. That does not mean the initial was not their talent or they could not do it to the best or their ability, but it is a matter of effective argument and fair judgment because at the end of the day, there should only be one. Remember that talent itself can be adopted, learned and pursued to its highest peak. The numerous things that you consider as talents should not be misunderstood to be possibilities because one of them is likely to be pursued unlike possibilities which are only imaginary.

THE CONCEPT OF SUCCESS - Make your Decision

The dictionary defines the word decision as a "choice or judgment" about something especially after considering all the "possibilities or arguments”. This definition speaks a lot about what I said about the fact that our philosophers and writers are only interested in the theorical and linguistic approach to issues rather than analyzing things as they are. Let’s analyze the key words in this definition; “choice and judgment" and possibilities or arguments". In real life, when one considers choice and possibilities, as a way of analyzing his or her decision towards the attainment of success, then he or she is wasting precious time. This is because to choose something has to do with following one's heart desire, what one thinks and feels is good for him or her. Indeed it is said that to follow one's heart is tantamount to destruction and falsehood. These same basics of following one's heart, is the reason for numerous heart breaks among females than in males. It is very much obvious to see women follow issues with their heart more than their minds.

Judgment on the other hand is when one is able to fish good from evil or establishes truth from falsehood. It is clear and scientifically proven that the brain is the major decisive organ that makes us to identify good and evil. Therefore a good judgment is always as a result of critical thinking and analysis. If this concept is false, why then does God says that man will die, resurrect and as well, be judged. We all know that God does things in his own will. If so, then why does God not choose among those to admit heaven and hell respectively but prefers true judgment? In real life, judgment is made in courts to establish truth, fairness and justice when there is the problem of decision making; thus, between the offender and the offended. This is enough reason (practically) to establish the fact that to make a decision in one's life, there is the need to establish true or fair judgment. Possibilities, in the other two sets of key words, are imaginary events or opportunities. In other words, a possibility is a vision without a mission, thus something that you imagine but you don’t take steps to achieve them .When one considers so much possibilities in his or her decision making, it makes it difficult to settle on one. Football has been my childhood hobby so I can be a footballer; its a possibility, I study science so I want to be nurse is one, I like talking and debate so I can be a journalist is another. This could go on and on and you will never settle for one.

“Possibility is an accomplist of procrastination and just as procrastination is the thief of time, possibility is a thief of success”

 Argument on the other hand has to do with the attempt to make a choice by debating on it. In other words, they are the processes employed to bring out the best amongst alternatives. It also means that you know what you want and that you are ready to take the necessary steps to work and achieve greater heights with them. Argument itself arises as a result of doubt. Indeed it is said that; “truthfulness is peace of mind and falsehood is doubt.” Also, it is said that “avoid what causes you doubt and do what does not cause you doubt.” Hadith. The word doubt itself is a confusion of good and evil, truth and false, right and wrong. In this case, if you involve argument in your decision making towards the realization of one's dream, it means that there are undoubtedly wrong decisions but the right one is still there. This means that argument gives you the opportunity or the platform to search for the truth. In a nut shell and in real life to be precise, decision making can be defined in two words; “Effective argument and fair judgment"

NB: The above analysis is not to underestimate the professionalism of our philosophers and writers but to make good decisions or better still find practical solutions to the problems of the new world order.


Motivation is anything that gives an individual the reason, the boost and the confidence to pursue something to any level desirable to the individual in question based on his or her capabilities. In other words, motivation can be in a form of a statement, a situation or an event depending on the source of which it comes from. Motivation is an important recipe in a man’s life which cannot be ignored or substituted by another option. If you must accomplish your mission, if the world needs you for what you are, then you must get motivated.

“Life without motivation is life without hope”


“All great men and women in the world were motivated to do something, just as there has never been a motive without motivation” Abrouf M. Kishki

The issue of motivation is very important to each and every individual who wants to achieve success in life. One does not decide to go to school, paint a picture and write a book, etc unless there is something pushing him or her.

“An engine will continue to run as long as there is something to power it”

 If you see someone doing something, then there is something somewhere that is pushing him and when that thing ceases to exist, then he has no reason to strive for greater heights. So therefore, there is the need to always make sure that you renew, update and rejuvenate your source of motivation so as to keep you on the run.


According to my own analysis on the issue of motivation, they can be grouped under five main headings depending on the source of which they come from. They are as follows;

1. Intra personal motivation; as the name speaks for itself, it is the type of motivation which is obtained or produced by the individual himself. It has to do with the individual understanding the situation in which one finds him or herself so as to boost or better still, motivate him to find a solution. This is the most important of all the types of motivation. It is a long term motivation which is derived from the individual and as a matter of fact, until the individual attains his ambition, this motivation will still live on. As it is said that; if you know the animal chasing you, you will know the speed at which you should run. You coming from a poor family is a classic example of an intrapersonal motivation.

“Until you identify the motivation in your situation, you will not find a solution”

2. Inter personal motivation; This is another type of motivation which is derived from individuals or role model to be precise as well as listening to motivational speeches by renown personalities and also words from the elderly. Basically, any form of encouragement that is obtained from an individual or people can be termed as inter personal.

3. Situational or Eventful Motivation; this has to do with the motivation obtained from situations and lifestyle of people who have made their own positive impact on the society, thus societal figures. It also has to do with the events that has or is pursued to be happening. For example; the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah in the Bible and Quran motivates people to fight against same sex relationships.

       The rests are educational and religious motivation which is as a result of climbing higher the educational ladder and knowledge base of one’s religion respectively.

NB: It should be noted that all the other types of motivation apart from the interpersonal motivation are important, just that you can still get enough in life without them.

THE CONCEPT OF SUCCESS - My Road to success

Various writers and social thinkers or philosophers have made their own analysis on how to become successful which has been documented in very popular and well renowned books, but yet still people seem to find it difficult to go along with their ideas even you. Without trying to underestimate the writers in this field of study but actually, they are only interested in the materialistic way and importance of success to man. Also, most of them only feed the world with illusion; as in giving theorical approach to becoming successful in life. Why should you tell someone to strive for success without giving the person reasons why he should? If I know the need for me to do something, I will not hesitate to do it at all cost without even minding my situation or condition.

Apparently, people have their various ways of becoming successful in life; fraud, ritual money, theft only to mention but a few. Actually, people themselves don’t even know that success itself does not only involve the monitory aspect but also the social, psychological and spiritual enhancement of the individual. Taking internet fraud as an example; how many of the people we take as role models and social figures (successful men) had all they have acquired through fraud? It’s almost negligible. This means that the idea of attaining very good social status and being successful for that matter cannot be possible through these deviant means.

THE CONCEPT OF SUCCCESS - Society, the Major Obstacle

Sociology as explained is the scientific study of society. It has a unique make up and principles underling the in and out of society, its transformation over time and space as well as its influence on the individual. The origin of this wonderful academic field of study dates back to the 18th and 19th centuries as a result of some revolutions between leaders and their followers. Efforts being made by some intellectuals to curb the menace caused by these periods of instability; brought about the need to study and understand the society scientifically. As far as the effects of society on the individual are concerned, various approaches has been developed so far in the likes of “social facts” developed by Emile Durkheim (one of the founding fathers of sociology). Social facts are basically the element of society that affects our behavior. These constitute societal institutions like; family, education, etc. Max Weber; another founding father of sociology, proposed that the subject matter of sociology should be the various subjective reasons people attach to their behavior which he termed as; Vestehen. In the spot light however, an all-important subject like sociology is solely dedicated to explaining the relationship between the individual and his society.   My dear reader, at this point you should know how important working to develop your society is. It is said that the society is the mirror in which the individual views himself; if so, what will become of our image if the mirror is broken? What will become of our future if the society does not have a system running? Why don’t we stop blaming the mirror of society for giving us a blare image whiles we have never cleaned it up? Instead of blaming ourselves for our irresponsibility towards society, we tend to blame the government. We keep on doing what we want and we call it Human Right. Indeed every human being is entitled to human rights, but the problem is; human right is not human right when it is practiced at the expense of society. At the point when society takes the pain and suffering of our so called human rights, we begin to break the very elements that hold society together.

The influence of society on the individual is so great that it supersedes that of nature. As for those who still think that people are born with certain behaviours, this is going to be very difficult to believe.

A personal experience that I had of two very identical twins whom I have code named Marie and Jones were separated from each other. At the age of three, they found themselves growing up in very two distinct societies. Marie was brought up in a very gentile and morally up right family and society. She received very good education and had very good friends and playmates from equally morally up right families. Day to day activities of her society was virtually absent of most of the social vices one can think of. Jones on the other hand has been nurtured in a very unscrupulous society. Drugs, poverty and other social menace were the order of the day. Good schools were not available and the few manageable once were virtually empty. In short, Jones grew up in a society that had nothing as far as the futures of its dwellers are concerned. At age 19 however, as Marie stated her role model as Albert Einstein, Jones on the other hand passionately wanted to succeed Bob Marley.

We can clearly draw the distinction between nature and nurture. Jones and Marie, though similar by nature in terms of biological reasons, forces of nurture from the society superseded and determined their personality to as far as what they are likely to become in future.

THE CONCEPT OF SUCCESS - The in and out of obstacles

Lexically, the word obstacle according to the fourth edition of the Oxford advance learners dictionary, like other dictionaries is; “anything in the way that either stops progress or makes it difficult.”

This definition is a classic example of the statement made in previous chapters about our philosophers and writers being interested in the theorical and linguistic ways of presenting issues rather than giving it a clearer picture by way of practical analysis. For the sake of arguments, let’s say obstacles really stop you from getting something. Then comes the question, does that mean successful men and women never came into contact with obstacles? As a matter of fact, it is the successful men and women who at one point in their life came into contact with very fierce and challenging obstacles. The closer you are to your aims in life, the bigger the obstacle attached to them. The only part of the definition worth considering is the word “difficulty” of which is not solid enough for a conclusion. Indeed nothing good comes easy. If we deem success as a good thing and as the best thing in life, if we deem success as an obligation or a moral and social responsibility, then it would be very normal for one to say that it cannot be attained on a silver platter. So then what is an obstacle? How do we identify it and how do we handle it when we come into contact with it.

First and foremost, every successful man or woman will clearly tell you that obstacles do not exist at all. In an illustration to broaden our horizon on what obstacles really are; when you are walking to school then you are faced with a heavy traffic jam which is likely to delay or prevent you from going to school on that very day. What do you do? Do you look for other means of transport to get you to school or you quit going to school because of traffic jam? When you consider other alternatives like taking a walk, then there was no obstacle. But if you fail to make it to school, then the traffic jam became an obstacle. There are no specific or laid down incidences classified as obstacles. It is your decision in life that brings them into being. What you consider as obstacles might be nothing in the eyes of the third person. That is why on that day, despite the traffic jam some will still make it to school and on time.

So based on that, we can say that; “obstacles are the inability to take the right decisions in times of inconveniencies.”- Yes, inconveniencies. That is what we mistakenly substitute for obstacle. So as you read this statement, you should know that your current situation is not as a result of your family, your financial status, your physical disability but rather your own inability to take the right decision in times of difficulty; that is what is preventing you from reaching that status, that prestige and honor you deserve. Take the right decision in times of trouble and you will never know an obstacle. The things that we always term as obstacles are rather inconveniencies and as for that, they are a part of life. Indeed there is no comfort in life. Life on earth is like a work place, there is no rest, but rather it’s just a few minutes break. That few minutes break is what we are all struggling for. Don’t ever judge peoples condition by first sight. No matter the strength, power or wealth that someone has, he or she will continue to encounter-inconveniencies. The rich man that you look up to might have a sickle cell child who gives him sleepless nights; the musician that you admire so much might be a drug addict who needs help. In order for one to have peace, he or she must be able overcome his or her inconveniencies. He or she should possess the capability of overcoming all obstacles. If you my dear reader is like that, then that is one thing that you can be proud of.

Sometimes, obstacles might not necessarily poses its usual features that we know of. It can be in a form of a simple destruction. Destruction is a form of obstacle that does not prevent you from achieving an objective by the usual forceful means but rather, lures you into making unintended changes in your priorities. Meaning, that destruction attracts you to them as a way of repelling you from your set goals or targets. I was told of a sad story by one of my audience after delivering a lecture on issues related to obstacles and destructions.

There was a businessman named Johnny Phish who had a very important business appointment with his partners in Boston in the U.S.A. his flight from California was scheduled at 10:00 am. As a time conscious businessman time was very important to him. So therefore, he was able to make to the airport by half past nine. While waiting for flight 323 to Boston, he saw a strange machine with an inscription ‘I can tell you who you are’ boldly written on it. Upon his enquiries, he realized that by putting 50 cents, the machine could tell you all about you. He decided to try it. He placed 50 cents in the slot and this was what the machine read ‘Your name is Johnny Phish and you are waiting for flight 323 to Boston’ he was shocked and so amazed at what he just saw. That was he first time going to Boston and the machine can say this about him? Awesome he said. So he tried one more time by putting 50 cents again, and as usual, the machine read ‘Your name is Johnny Phish and you are waiting for flight 323 to Boston’ he was excited and amazed so he kept trying till he run out of coins. So he went out of the airport for more coins. When he came back, he inserted 50 cents into the machine as usual and this time the machine read ‘Your name is Johnny Phish and you just missed flight 323 to Boston’ then he quickly checked his time and it was half past ten. He tried all he could to catch the flight but to no avail. In order to remind him never to repeat such a mistake, he wrote boldly behind his door and he reads it each time he is about to leave the house and since then, he has always stacked to the goal;

‘Always set your priorities first in your schedule. If you fail to do that, other peoples priorities will find their way in to your schedule.’

The point of note to us here is, the machine did not force him in anyway but became one of his greatest obstacles he will never forget. Note also that not all obstacles come with a red flag on them, in fact, the dangerous ones don’t.

As for the inevitability of obstacles, better understanding of previous explanations shows clearly that obstacles can clearly be avoided. This is because the obstacles itself does not exist on its own but is a derived product of inconveniencies in life. It is the inconveniencies that latter generate into obstacles. In relation to the earlier explanation given; when you do not go to school on a particular day due to a traffic jam somewhere means that the traffic jam has become an obstacle for your going to school on that day. But on the other hand, if you are still able to make it school despite the traffic jam, then there was no obstacle, but rather a difficulty or inconveniency to your going to school on that day. This is how you overcome obstacles; that is how you move towards success in life. Overcoming them daily strengthens you, makes you stronger and you develop an anti-body to that particular obstacle and its related ones. For example, experiencing a loss in one’s business is an inconveniency- but being able to overcome that makes you well equipped with the necessary ideas and the technical know-how that will make you much more courageous to take more business risks to improve one’s business. If there is another loss along the line, the experience of the first one automatically fights it for you.

Inconveniencies on the other hand are inevitable. They are sometimes biological, physical and psychologically inherited or acquired accidentally. A very nice young lady by nature is faced with a biological inconveniency of being born blind. What did she do wrong? One may ask; but that is to say the inevitability of inconveniencies. A very important point to note is that biological inconveniencies when not handled with care can be one of the most deadly obstacles in life one can ever imagine. It is sometimes very disheartening to grow up seeing how physically or mentally abnormal you are compared to the masses of people. As a result, some people can end up on the streets as prostitutes, armed robbers and so on. This is when the huge power of society begins to work.


To begin with, take any normal coin. Make one side success and the other failure. Flip the coin in the air and wait for it to finally settle on the ground.

Now this is what the whole concept means. At the time that you have the coin in your hands depicts your possession of your destiny, your mission-the true reflection of your self is in your hands and that you have been given a great opportunity by God almighty to create a better future for yourself. This alone tells you that you are the masterpiece of your life, the true reflection of yourself. This tells you that whatever decision you take today, determines your future tomorrow.

Secondly when you toss or throw the coin, then you have made your decision to either be a failure in life or a source of inspiration to acquire success; thus when you see the outcome of whatever decision you took before flipping the coin in the near future. If you took a decision to go through every loophole to ensure that at the end of your struggle, the head of the coin (success) will surely face the sky. But if you make the wrong move that will lead you something worth failure, then that is going to reflect in whatever place you find yourself in future. It is not the decision taking, but what to decide is what matters. Moreover, after holding the coin in your hands; which depicts your destiny and after throwing it, what do we see? At the entire movement of the coin in the air, it is noticed that the faces wrestle against each other. Success and failure all looking for a place in your life but it is up to you to decide which of them you feel fighting for. Again, it shall be noticed that the head faces the sky whiles the tail follows and then back to the head again. This keeps on repeating itself until finally one side will face the sky. This makes it clear that no condition is permanent indeed. Whiles enjoying life, one should bear in mind that one is heading towards a very serious state of hardship of which if you don’t pick something better from there, then, you are heading towards doom. On the other hand, if you are in the state of grief, depression, anxiety, pain, suffering, etc., remember that it is nothing but a sign to tell you that there is something better awaiting you depending on the conditions of your hard work. We need to concentrate on our lives and make good decisions, decisions that will not benefit us alone but the society at large. We should be a source of encouragement and a source of change-a source of hope for our societies. Where you come from does not matter, but the decision that you take and how it affects the societies is what we should concentrate on. Last but not least, the coin finally settles on the ground with one side definitely facing the sky.

Now to be able to understand and experience it in actual sense, one must put him or herself in the illustration; look deep in your heart and judge for yourself. Ask yourself this question, if it was you, which side will face the sky? This is what man should be concerned about because when we say one is ripping what he or she has sawn, then this is what we are talking about, thus; when you know the implication of your decision and the effects of either your hard work or laziness. What you see on the coin is the true reflection of yourself.

 Whatever you think, feel and believe is the true reflection of yourself; if you get grade ‘A’ in all subjects, then that is what you are, if you can paint lovely pictures, then that is what you are, if you can talk and to move people into positive thinking, then that is what you are. Life is not about what you want, is about what you can do and do it better, that is your real self. At the end of it all we come to understand that failure should not be an obstacle but only a sign to alert you of a much greater and better life in future. Success on the other hand is what we should be afraid of because it rings the bell of discomfort and unrest in your life.

THE CONCEPT OF SUCCESS - The concept of Failure

Life itself is full of principles and formulae. Follow and apply them and you are free. It is true that sometimes you come into contact with failure of which to me should not be a reason why you should not achieve your aims and aspirations but rather, a source of encouragement; a sign to tell you that there are better things awaiting you in the future. It is not about where you fell that matters, but what you pick from where you have fallen should be of great concern; repeating in class is failure and it tells you to sit up and study hard, that is what you should pick from where you have fallen; your business is not growing, sit down and plan it well, that is what you should pick from where you have fallen; you lost a huge sum of money, go back and do your homework well, seek advice from legal practitioners and stakeholders on how to raise funds, that is what you should pick from where you have fallen. We could go on and on for all we care but actually, at the end of picking something better, what will happen to these groups of people is that; the student will become better, the business man will improve his business and the other will get enough capital to do the need in question. So you see failure is not what we see it to be. The only one who can give you the opportunity to start life all over again and on a good note; the only one who can prompt you when you are going wrong, the one who knocks on the door of great men like you. Failure is not an obstacle in life as we see it to be, but actually we are been deceived by our minds. When we perceive it to be an obstacle, then it turns out to be one. Indeed failure is a blessing from God Himself and a medium through which we can get direct inspiration so as to be able to pursue our aims and aspirations in the right way .Indeed, failure may take a very long period of time in our lives but remember,

“No matter how long the night will take, the day will surely come” Anonymous.

 The time of failure is a time of pain, the time that you begin to feel the suffering of others. That is the time that you get closer with your creator and also acknowledge and understand the principles of the uniqueness of creation.

God in His own infinite wisdom created everything in pairs; man and woman, boy and girl, good and evil, etc. This principle by God is indeed a miracle thus; it applies to almost everything on this planet and beyond, including the life of man. In life, you are either; happy or sad, alive or dead, successful or a failure. This is one out of the numerous miracles of creation. This issue of failure giving you an impression of the images and the miracles of creation can best be illustrated by the concept of the coin. And I call it “life on a coin”. Just as the law of creation-thus everything in pairs, so are the faces of a coin. Every coin has a head and a tail, meaning success and failure respectively. At the end of this illustration, you will indeed come to realize the truth in the fact that failure is only a sign to alert you of better things to come in the near future.

THE CONCEPT OF SUCCESS - Where do you find success?

Where do I find success? The question at our disposal now upon first sight looks more of geographical location or orientation. But I want to state categorically that there is no specific location whereby success can be found. In fact, success is everywhere. One might have basics for argument on the fact that some people leave their homes for places of greener pastures, but nevertheless, what they seek is wealth and not success. So therefore we revive the question again; where can we find success, where does it come from, who gives it and how can we identify it when we see one? In this noble country where we hold religion up high as a vital element for human existence, it is very normal to hear people say that; ask and it shall be given unto you, knock and it shall be opened, God is the answer to all thy question, and so on. Personally, I do not have any problem with the above statements; only that I want to ask; what of those who do not believe in the existence of God? Does that mean they cannot achieve success at all? Contrary to that, it is evidently clear that most of the people we regard as rich and famous, the celebrities, the superstars, etc are the advocates of atheism. They do believe that the world was not created by a scientifically and that there is nothing as a supreme being, not to talk of the day of resurrection.

Moreover, I believe that nothing can be possible in a man’s life unless that which God has willed for him. Indeed despite this strong belief more has to be done I our quest for success. No matter the level of your faith and sincerity to your creator, if you don’t get up and work to make a difference, you will die as a prophet without honor. I want to relate this to an incident that happened a long time ago. I remember a practical demonstration by my Uncle on how faith moves with action. There was a man who normally spends almost all his time in the mosque praying to Allah. Then one day, my Uncle and I upon his usual act of sharing his lunch with most of the people at the mosque, he brought food to the mosque, shared it and did not give that man intentionally. Upon intending to leave, he said; one bowl is left and yet everyone has been served. Just at that very moment, this man began to clear his throat in a very strange way, not knowing he was trying to signal to my Uncle that he has not been served yet. Then the food was given to him. Upon our return, my Uncle explained to me that faith without work is far from righteousness. Initially, I never saw the work that the man did before he got the food. But upon further reminisce, I came to understand that the work he did was the efforts he made to signal my Uncle in a form of clearing his throat. If he had not done that, he wouldn’t have had that meal. Can you imagine this? He spends all his time praying, but the little work he did earned his lunch. You can image what he has been missing out there. God is ready to give you what you want, He just wants you to make an effort and start doing something.

 Every human being who wishes to fly successfully on the jurisdiction of his religion should have two wings, thus; belief and practice. An elimination of one renders the other insignificant and less functional. As it is said that;

Belief without practice is meaningless as practice without belief is also meaningless.” Anonymous.

I say, point blank that success is from the inner self, can be expressed by way of decision and identified by the process in achieving them. This simply means that to become successful, first and foremost the intention, the motivation and the desire should be set right. This is followed by conscious, consistent and moral processes to achieve them.

Success by way of decision has to do with the individual selecting from several alternatives from what he or she wants. It is no deferent from the intention needed to process ones future desire. Dear reader, the things you do each and every blessed day, sums up to build your future. Furthermore, consistency of doing the right thing; despite the quantity, amounts to something positive in the future. Indeed we are not only interested in just the decision making, but actually the right one. It leaves you to choose or decide to be good or bad, happy or sad, successful or a failure; all depending on what you decide to do. The type of decision you make distinguish you from your mates at school and work despite the fact that you are all doing the same thing. Two laborers on a construction site were questioned on what they were doing. The first one said; “we are just laying bricks and we never finish, it’s so boring.” the other said that; “we are on the verge of building a magnificent world class medical facility, which will live long to benefit the people in my community. It’s the first of its kind and I am so happy to part of it.”

We can see that both workers are doing the same thing but based on their individual decisions and intensions, they are entirely different from each other. At the end of the day, the second laborer had a promotion because of the wiliness of work and happiness backed by the decision to do for the sake of society. Another thing to note is that, the second one does not care whether he is in list of contributors or not, whether he is recognized or not; all that he knows, is that he is part of the winning team working hard to transform the face of society. So therefore it’s your decision to either be part of the brick layers or the wining team working to transform the face of society.

At this juncture, we can give a concrete, well accepted and applicable definition for success as;

The positive intention or willingness of heart backed by the ability to bring out what you are for the benefit of where you are.”

 Looks very narrow and too simple as one may choose to call it but indeed, based on our analysis, that is the true definition of success. Do not be self-centered in you deciding on what you want to accomplish in life. Let not your decisions based on your own personal benefit but rather that of the society and the future generation. History will judge all of us not based on what we have achieved for ourselves, but the positive impact our achievement has on the society. Always do things with the sole aim that one day someone will benefit from it. I remember the very statement of advice my father gave me when I turned eighteen. He looked at me and said; “if people say don’t do this, do it if you are sure it will be of benefit someday. And is they say you should do this, avoid it if you are sure it is for the best interest of the future. For our judgment lies not in the hands of the present but rather the future.” These few words have been my source of motivation and have broadened my horizon on what man should be aiming at achieving in life. It is very evident that the very people we know in the history of this world who stood for the right thing to be done were at most point in their lives opposed and misjudged by their very generation. But because they understood this simple philosophy of success, they never bordered about what people said or did, but rather what they think will benefit the future generation for indeed, their judgment laid in our hands. Most of these people, heroes as we call them, in the likes of; Malcrom Ex, Martin Luther Kings Jnr., Abraham Lincoln and our very own Nelson Madiba Mandela and Osagefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, were all deemed as the enemies of yesterday but heroes of today.

Don’t go to school because you want to be employed, go to school because you want society to benefit from your knowledge. Don’t be a doctor because of the salary and working condition, be a doctor because you want to save a life. Don’t be a farmer because man must survive, be a farmer because you want to feed the nation. Whatever it is that you are doing, do it with the society at heart. Do not wait to be a C.E.O. before you start doing something? Don’t wait to get a job before you can do something for the orphan in your neighborhood? In fact, do not wait for opportunities; start to create these opportunities yourself. You don’t have to be an extraordinary person in life; you only have to be a simple person doing extraordinary things. It doesn’t matter where you live or come from, whether it is poverty or you live in a hat or a kiosk or whatever; just brighten the corner where you are. Take the bold step of transforming your society for the better. Don’t let the future generation point fingers of blame at you. Let them count you as part of those who toke the right decisions and stood firmly for the truth to prevail-the right thing to be done. Don’t force yourself to be in front. Even if you are relegated to the background, it is none of your business. Let them take all the applause; let them take all the praises. Besides if you are denied what is rightfully yours, the future will judge us all. Your business is to make sure that your positive impact is felt by the society so that deep down in your heart, you know that you are the hero, the icon, the source of change the people are enjoying. That feeling alone, money can never buy. Nevertheless, one day you will reap the results of your hard work tenfold and you will become victorious. This, my dear reader is true success.

Indeed, many great men have come and gone, but when you start counting, don’t forget the man who always weeds the park even though he never gets paid, don’t forget the woman who always sweeps the market place even though you never greet her, don’t forget the old man who always guards the mosque or church. These people are vital treasures that make the society glow in the light of development. Don’t underestimate what you are doing. You never know who you are likely to meet on the way, you never know who next will walk into your little shop, and you never know how that early morning smile made someone forget all his nightmares. Whatever that you do, let it be but for the interest of society.

THE CONCEPT OF SUCCESS - Who is your Target Group?

When one becomes successful, the effect I felt by the two parties involved; thus the successful man and his society. For the sake of debate, let’s use fame as an example. It is very clear to say that when one becomes famous, it affects both the psychological and the physical wellbeing on the person himself as well as the people who know him from both far and near, thus his environment. If someone sees himself as successful or vice versa, it positively and negatively affects the society respectively. Therefore, if we will be able to transform the face of society, then one very important and major tool we can reliably depend on is the success of the masses. When you become successful, you become a role model and a social figure to inspire the people around you as well as yourself to live up to expectation and serve as a source of change to the society. You become an item of reference for the youth to look up to.

As to who this success is intended for, it is evident that the success that we seek seems to have a lot to do with the society more than its seeker. As a result, I always say that the cycle of success is never complete until its result is positively felt by the society”. I believe that whatever that one puts ahead as far as vision or aspirations are concerned, it will be very inhuman and selfish if the content of one’s vision is only for his personal gains. The social structure of society has a very large say when it comes to shaping your personality. For example; the social control element of society has been a major tool for recruiting and propelling people for a good moral life. It was no surprise when Thomas Hobbes said; in the absence of social control, ‘man would live in the state of nature, governed by his reasons in the service of his actions’. It is moreover the mirror in which you see the true reflection of yourself. The society determines largely your future and what you are likely to encounter. As a result, your main focus is to make the society better; to strengthen the social facts of the society. If we say the society if your mirror, what will happen to your image when this mirror is broken? You can never get the true image of yourself. What will your future as well as that of the generation become if the society in which we live is in the state of destruction? Indeed, who to receive has an effect on what to receive. The society being the target group for our success means that one should have only one thing in mind when talking about being successful; thus, I want to be a source of change to the society. Regardless of whatever that you are doing; be it in sports, education, motivation, politics, and religion. Whatever thing that you are doing; do it for the benefit of the society even if you don’t get to be the frontline man, even if you have relegated to the background, even if you are not paid, do it for the benefit of the society.

I know you might be thinking where your reward will be coming from. But that will be because you have not carefully followed our progress so far, you would have realized that at the end of the day, the society that we talk about is not a third person somewhere, but consist of people like yourself. If all of us are going to do things for the sake of each other, who will cry of hunger, who will cry for justice, who cry for unemployment, who will cry for motivation. So therefore if we do things to benefit the society, it is but to our own benefit. Happiness they say is not about you but rather to see someone happy because of you. People making progress in life, people becoming transformational leaders, leaders becoming more responsible and the credit is all yours. How does that make you feel? How do you feel when someone tells you that I am in Ghana because I think it’s the most peaceful country in Africa? How do you feel when Barak Obama tells you that the food you cooked survived me the whole day? How will you feel if that poor boy from the village is a C.E.O. of a company because of you? How will you feel if they say that the youth are ready to take up responsibilities because you motivated them? Remember that the Palm wine seller never goes home without taking a sip. You can’t be giving out gold and be keeping silver. It’s not about where you are but rather what can you table down as guidance for the future generations.

Thursday, 21 September 2017

THE CONCEPT OF SUCCESS - Success, why should I be?

Success as we see it is not a matter of choice but rather is a must for everyone to be. Indeed life is full of choices; one cannot be forced to do things against his or her will. You have the right to make decisions for yourself; one can say that you want to remain where you are now. Nobody is saying you should not but the fact of the matter is that you have no reason on this earth and beyond enough to prevent you from succeeding in life. After reading this book, one will come to understand that becoming successful in not a matter of taste and preferences but also an obligation and a responsibility. You will also know that you have a mission that needs to be accomplished and that mission can only be made possible by no one except you. These are the reasons why you should be on top of your goal;


In the beginning of life, God created earth and everything in it and beyond-the universe to be precise. He created man to take dominion over all things and made it king over all his creations. That alone my dear, should tell you that you were created for a purpose. One can say that God created man for the basic reason of procreating to fill the earth and taking dominion over all things but, remember that

“A forest is thick observed from a far end but when you come closer, you will know that every tree stands on its own “African proverb.

 The purpose that God create you is far more than just being human and it is up to you to find out what that is. Nobody was created a failure, only to succeed; but depending on your understanding of the principles of life and the kind of decisions you make for yourself. The purpose of which you were born can never be achieved by anyone else other than you; that is the uniqueness of yourself. It doesn’t matter your family background because that is not your business. All that you must know is that if you are from the poorest family on earth and God created you to be president, you will surely be. Apart from you, no one ever can occupy that position and until you are born to accomplish that, the state will never have a sitting president or better still will not exist at all. That is the promise God made for you. In instances like this we tend to confuse ourselves with the idea that if it is the will of God, then I will be. What other will do you need again? What other permission do you still need from God again aside giving you life, strength and the thinking ability to make things happen? God has already fulfilled his promise, it is up to you to use what God has endowed you with to make that happen. Let’s give ourselves a chance and be a source of change to the society so that one day, someone will point at you and say “I want to be like you” promise yourself and say that by next year, you should change something in your society, that is the reason you were created for. It’s not about being for yourself, it’s about being there for others when they need you the most.

“Live for yourself, you live in vain, live for others, you will live again” Bob Marley

 If you are good at painting, if you are good at singing, whatever thing that you are good at, do it for the society to be happy and appreciate your work. With that, you will be a societal figure, a source of inspiration for everyone. That is what you are needed for and that is what will make you fulfill the promise.

In religion, and theology to be specific, as far as the two major religions; Islam and Christianity are concerned, the success of a man depends on his purpose for being created; thus, it is in purpose that we find reason. As far as the scholars of the systematic of Islam are concerned, arguments based on several verses of the Holy Quran to establish truth in the fact that man was created mainly to worship Allah; and in that they will find true success. Christian scholars on the other hand; like the Muslims believe that the earth is only a passing and that man was created to take dominion over the earth. On the social point of view however, success has to do with going the extra mile of doing the things that are the way they are. The meaning of this statement is not far from the bible’s perspective stated earlier. Without trying to draw a line of judgment on the latest criticism against Christianity; thus, some social thinkers believe that Christianity was formulated on the basics of social structures and theories adopted from sources other than divine revelation. This is due to the fact that most of their ideologies has to do with motivation and making people bring out their best potentials on the basics that life on earth is all about being on top of whatever that you want to be. People who table these kinds of criticism also include in their evidence; most pastors being motivational speakers and the system used in running the church, where time is made for people to come and give testimonies on how far the words of the pastor has impacted their life. But whether these criticisms are true or not, it will forever remain the battle between theologians. Nevertheless, the point of focus here is that, Christianity has a lot to offer when it comes to motivation.


The world population is estimated to hit 7 billion in the last quarter of 2011. That’s a lot of people doing different things at different times and in different places all over the world. Sometimes we seem to wonder; what does the future holds for us? How can I get employed in any of the few job opportunities in such tough competition? Does the world need me at all? These are some of the issues that we (the youth especially) ponder over all the time. But should that always be the case? The answer is simple,

“Your greatest fear is not that you are inadequate but because you are powerful beyond measure” Marianne Williamson.

 We tend to worry about our future because we don’t know what we are about. The problem is not the fact that whether the world needs you or not, but the problem is what does the world needs you for? This answer has been given already in the previous chapter. You are born for a mission and you alone can accomplish that mission. That is what the world needs you for, to accomplish your mission on earth. The world cannot survive without a doctor, lawyer, motivation speaker, etc. You are the only one who can do what you are good at and that is what the world needs you for. Always keep in mind that the talent that you have is your purpose on earth. The world is not going to survive without you; the world is waiting for you. It is up to you to make your decision and rise up to the challenge or remain a coward forever. Always bear in mind that doing what you can do in the best of your ability can help save a life one day and if you don’t do what is expected of you, you don’t only disappoint an individual, but the whole world and in turn prove ungrateful to God almighty for all the talents he has endowed you with. Make a difference where you are, you don’t need to be an extraordinary person, you just have to be a simple person doing extraordinary things. Brighten the corner where you are. Start from somewhere and somehow; you will be in some place better. Always tell yourself that the world needs me, I will do something. This is your time; you have the strength, the motivation and the most importantly, that unique talent given to no one but you alone. With all this you are unstoppable and powerful beyond measure. Deformity and age is indeed a disability but not an impossibility. If a man born with no limbs can identify himself and become a renowned pastor, a blind man can be a state attorney, a 12 year old boy becoming the youngest journalist ever, etc. why can’t you also identify your talent and do same. They are what they are because that is what the world needed them for. You can become wealthy and self-sufficient if and only if you do what the world needs you for.