Saturday, 23 September 2017

THE CONCEPT OF SUCCESS - Make your Decision

The dictionary defines the word decision as a "choice or judgment" about something especially after considering all the "possibilities or arguments”. This definition speaks a lot about what I said about the fact that our philosophers and writers are only interested in the theorical and linguistic approach to issues rather than analyzing things as they are. Let’s analyze the key words in this definition; “choice and judgment" and possibilities or arguments". In real life, when one considers choice and possibilities, as a way of analyzing his or her decision towards the attainment of success, then he or she is wasting precious time. This is because to choose something has to do with following one's heart desire, what one thinks and feels is good for him or her. Indeed it is said that to follow one's heart is tantamount to destruction and falsehood. These same basics of following one's heart, is the reason for numerous heart breaks among females than in males. It is very much obvious to see women follow issues with their heart more than their minds.

Judgment on the other hand is when one is able to fish good from evil or establishes truth from falsehood. It is clear and scientifically proven that the brain is the major decisive organ that makes us to identify good and evil. Therefore a good judgment is always as a result of critical thinking and analysis. If this concept is false, why then does God says that man will die, resurrect and as well, be judged. We all know that God does things in his own will. If so, then why does God not choose among those to admit heaven and hell respectively but prefers true judgment? In real life, judgment is made in courts to establish truth, fairness and justice when there is the problem of decision making; thus, between the offender and the offended. This is enough reason (practically) to establish the fact that to make a decision in one's life, there is the need to establish true or fair judgment. Possibilities, in the other two sets of key words, are imaginary events or opportunities. In other words, a possibility is a vision without a mission, thus something that you imagine but you don’t take steps to achieve them .When one considers so much possibilities in his or her decision making, it makes it difficult to settle on one. Football has been my childhood hobby so I can be a footballer; its a possibility, I study science so I want to be nurse is one, I like talking and debate so I can be a journalist is another. This could go on and on and you will never settle for one.

“Possibility is an accomplist of procrastination and just as procrastination is the thief of time, possibility is a thief of success”

 Argument on the other hand has to do with the attempt to make a choice by debating on it. In other words, they are the processes employed to bring out the best amongst alternatives. It also means that you know what you want and that you are ready to take the necessary steps to work and achieve greater heights with them. Argument itself arises as a result of doubt. Indeed it is said that; “truthfulness is peace of mind and falsehood is doubt.” Also, it is said that “avoid what causes you doubt and do what does not cause you doubt.” Hadith. The word doubt itself is a confusion of good and evil, truth and false, right and wrong. In this case, if you involve argument in your decision making towards the realization of one's dream, it means that there are undoubtedly wrong decisions but the right one is still there. This means that argument gives you the opportunity or the platform to search for the truth. In a nut shell and in real life to be precise, decision making can be defined in two words; “Effective argument and fair judgment"

NB: The above analysis is not to underestimate the professionalism of our philosophers and writers but to make good decisions or better still find practical solutions to the problems of the new world order.

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