Sunday, 17 September 2017


Some may call it dust, others say it is fine sand, but whatever it was; there came an artifact, a perfect piece of artwork; One which was made by hands full of enormous powers, capable of changing darkness into light. One which reproduces with just a drop of sperm together with an egg(ovum)in a warm chamber known as the womb in its opposite sex, one which scientist are and will continue to wonder about its unique make up and capabilities. From dust it came and so shall it go back to dust when the time is due. God in His own words praise Himself for such a thing. God in His infinite wisdom gave this unique creature a power station(heart)that pumps about 100,800 times each day to supply blood to all of the body. He also gave it a processing mechanism (digestive system) to process food into energy. Last but not least, the greatest of all, the determinant of good and evil, He gave it a device (brain), basically serving a dual functionality of differentiating between good and evil, as well as serving as a memory bank where billions of facts can be stored permanently.

This brain has been the key to success. In the next few pages of this masterpiece, we will take the time to analyze these two elements; positive thinking and success. Positive thinking definitely has a direct relationship with this unique device known as the brain. It goes deep to further enhance as well as play a major role as to what we want, what to expect and what to do with what we have in any situation we find our self. The big whitish coiled like organ in your head known as the brain is capable of turning your thoughts into reality. Abrouf M. Kishki, Ghanaian motivational speaker ones said that;

“Whatever the mind can conceive, and truly believe, it can achieve”.

Success on the other hand is indeed based on motivation; the very element that runs through the blood of men of courage and truth who have sworn to be part of the past, the present and the future; Men whose names, sayings and sense of directions have been literarily sculptured in the hearts and minds of men and women of great personality and vision. That sense of direction is what we lack. It used to exist, but has been blown away by the misleading masses of social deteriorates. In a quick summery, what we are going to be deliberating on is the whole scope of success. This mind bobbling material provides us with firsthand information on what life on this earth is all about and what we should do in other to become meaningful creatures on earth.

Indeed it touches and deliberates on the misconception of failure from the ground level point of view and also alternatives in dealing with obstacles in life. We are going to prove and establish truth in the fact that man is needed for what he is and not for whom he is. Furthermore, we will come to the realization that each and every individual has something to achieve. Aside giving you the angle to which you should view your life, it takes you deep into the processes of identification, analysis, and explanation to help you solve the problem of obstacles. In other words, we want to know what exactly we must do before, during and after we say; I WANT TO BE A…….

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