Saturday, 23 September 2017

THE CONCEPT OF SUCCCESS - Society, the Major Obstacle

Sociology as explained is the scientific study of society. It has a unique make up and principles underling the in and out of society, its transformation over time and space as well as its influence on the individual. The origin of this wonderful academic field of study dates back to the 18th and 19th centuries as a result of some revolutions between leaders and their followers. Efforts being made by some intellectuals to curb the menace caused by these periods of instability; brought about the need to study and understand the society scientifically. As far as the effects of society on the individual are concerned, various approaches has been developed so far in the likes of “social facts” developed by Emile Durkheim (one of the founding fathers of sociology). Social facts are basically the element of society that affects our behavior. These constitute societal institutions like; family, education, etc. Max Weber; another founding father of sociology, proposed that the subject matter of sociology should be the various subjective reasons people attach to their behavior which he termed as; Vestehen. In the spot light however, an all-important subject like sociology is solely dedicated to explaining the relationship between the individual and his society.   My dear reader, at this point you should know how important working to develop your society is. It is said that the society is the mirror in which the individual views himself; if so, what will become of our image if the mirror is broken? What will become of our future if the society does not have a system running? Why don’t we stop blaming the mirror of society for giving us a blare image whiles we have never cleaned it up? Instead of blaming ourselves for our irresponsibility towards society, we tend to blame the government. We keep on doing what we want and we call it Human Right. Indeed every human being is entitled to human rights, but the problem is; human right is not human right when it is practiced at the expense of society. At the point when society takes the pain and suffering of our so called human rights, we begin to break the very elements that hold society together.

The influence of society on the individual is so great that it supersedes that of nature. As for those who still think that people are born with certain behaviours, this is going to be very difficult to believe.

A personal experience that I had of two very identical twins whom I have code named Marie and Jones were separated from each other. At the age of three, they found themselves growing up in very two distinct societies. Marie was brought up in a very gentile and morally up right family and society. She received very good education and had very good friends and playmates from equally morally up right families. Day to day activities of her society was virtually absent of most of the social vices one can think of. Jones on the other hand has been nurtured in a very unscrupulous society. Drugs, poverty and other social menace were the order of the day. Good schools were not available and the few manageable once were virtually empty. In short, Jones grew up in a society that had nothing as far as the futures of its dwellers are concerned. At age 19 however, as Marie stated her role model as Albert Einstein, Jones on the other hand passionately wanted to succeed Bob Marley.

We can clearly draw the distinction between nature and nurture. Jones and Marie, though similar by nature in terms of biological reasons, forces of nurture from the society superseded and determined their personality to as far as what they are likely to become in future.

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