Saturday, 23 September 2017

THE CONCEPT OF SUCCESS - Who is your Target Group?

When one becomes successful, the effect I felt by the two parties involved; thus the successful man and his society. For the sake of debate, let’s use fame as an example. It is very clear to say that when one becomes famous, it affects both the psychological and the physical wellbeing on the person himself as well as the people who know him from both far and near, thus his environment. If someone sees himself as successful or vice versa, it positively and negatively affects the society respectively. Therefore, if we will be able to transform the face of society, then one very important and major tool we can reliably depend on is the success of the masses. When you become successful, you become a role model and a social figure to inspire the people around you as well as yourself to live up to expectation and serve as a source of change to the society. You become an item of reference for the youth to look up to.

As to who this success is intended for, it is evident that the success that we seek seems to have a lot to do with the society more than its seeker. As a result, I always say that the cycle of success is never complete until its result is positively felt by the society”. I believe that whatever that one puts ahead as far as vision or aspirations are concerned, it will be very inhuman and selfish if the content of one’s vision is only for his personal gains. The social structure of society has a very large say when it comes to shaping your personality. For example; the social control element of society has been a major tool for recruiting and propelling people for a good moral life. It was no surprise when Thomas Hobbes said; in the absence of social control, ‘man would live in the state of nature, governed by his reasons in the service of his actions’. It is moreover the mirror in which you see the true reflection of yourself. The society determines largely your future and what you are likely to encounter. As a result, your main focus is to make the society better; to strengthen the social facts of the society. If we say the society if your mirror, what will happen to your image when this mirror is broken? You can never get the true image of yourself. What will your future as well as that of the generation become if the society in which we live is in the state of destruction? Indeed, who to receive has an effect on what to receive. The society being the target group for our success means that one should have only one thing in mind when talking about being successful; thus, I want to be a source of change to the society. Regardless of whatever that you are doing; be it in sports, education, motivation, politics, and religion. Whatever thing that you are doing; do it for the benefit of the society even if you don’t get to be the frontline man, even if you have relegated to the background, even if you are not paid, do it for the benefit of the society.

I know you might be thinking where your reward will be coming from. But that will be because you have not carefully followed our progress so far, you would have realized that at the end of the day, the society that we talk about is not a third person somewhere, but consist of people like yourself. If all of us are going to do things for the sake of each other, who will cry of hunger, who will cry for justice, who cry for unemployment, who will cry for motivation. So therefore if we do things to benefit the society, it is but to our own benefit. Happiness they say is not about you but rather to see someone happy because of you. People making progress in life, people becoming transformational leaders, leaders becoming more responsible and the credit is all yours. How does that make you feel? How do you feel when someone tells you that I am in Ghana because I think it’s the most peaceful country in Africa? How do you feel when Barak Obama tells you that the food you cooked survived me the whole day? How will you feel if that poor boy from the village is a C.E.O. of a company because of you? How will you feel if they say that the youth are ready to take up responsibilities because you motivated them? Remember that the Palm wine seller never goes home without taking a sip. You can’t be giving out gold and be keeping silver. It’s not about where you are but rather what can you table down as guidance for the future generations.

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